Bird Control

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Bird Control Docs
In PDF Format

Disease Fact Sheet

Bird Problem Finder

How To Determine
Bird Pressurebirdcontrol_files/D010-DiseaseFactSheet.pdfbirdcontrol_files/bird_problem_finder_ridx2.pdfbirdcontrol_files/p6%20BirdPressure.pdfshapeimage_6_link_0shapeimage_6_link_1shapeimage_6_link_2


* Bird droppings cause damage
* Carry diseases
* Are slippery
* Send a negative image
* Clog drains and attract other pests
   (bugs, rat)
* Create a negative business image
* Cause slip and fall accidents

*Bat Control more info

This is one of our
trained technician's
getting ready to
perform a bird
inspection on top
of a building that
has complained of
pigeons roosting on the roof.


MSNBC NEWS: Pigeon droppings causes roof to collapse

Bird and Bat Control
Our bird and bat control programs are designed to address the particular problem of these exterior pests. Our bird control solutions are environmentally responsible and do not harm the bird population. A bird/bat population management program can eliminate or reduce the maintenance/clean up expenses associated with heavy pest population and promote the comfortable use of public spaces.